Overcoming the Language Barrier 2014 YC Fellowship, AYF Youth Corps Fellow..., MediaadminSeptember 3, 2014
Why Renovate the Proshyan Youth Center? 2014 YC Fellowship, AYF Youth Corps Fellow..., Media, Renovate ProshyanadminAugust 28, 2014
Honoring Sosé and Allen's Legacy Build by Helping Build a Home for a Family in Need 2014: Second Annual Le..., MediaadminAugust 1, 2014
Forever Thankful 2014 YC Fellowship, 2014: Second Annual Le..., AYF Youth Corps Fellow..., MediaadminJuly 30, 2014
Մայիսին Ստեփանավանի մոտակայքում անտառ կտնկվի սփյուռքահայ զույգի հիշատակին Media, Memorial ForestadminMarch 14, 2014
Thomassian, Chaderjian to Discuss Advancing the Cause through Social Media at ANCA Grassroots MediaadminNovember 25, 2013
'Memorial forest' in Armenia planned for young couple who died Media, Memorial ForestVache ThomassianSeptember 17, 2013
Memorial forest in Armenia to honor expatriate couple Media, Memorial ForestVache ThomassianSeptember 17, 2013